Gondwanaland Trading Company
From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time!

Mountain Gorilla Skull

(Musuem Quality Replica)
Musuem Quality Replica

Mountain Gorilla Skull - Mountain gorillas, Gorilla beringei, occur in isolated populations in the Virunga volcano range on the Rwanda, Zaire and Uganda border. The mountain gorilla is more endangered than its lowland relative with current wild populations numbering less than 450 individuals. Although extensive efforts have been made to protect these gorillas, poaching, habitat destruction and war continue to push the mountain gorillas toward extinction



CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Primates
FAMILY: Hominidae

Origin: Africa

Skull Length: 35 cm (13.8 in.


Mountain Gorilla Skull

#BC-124 Mountain Gorilla Skull

$550.00 Sale! $4240.00