Bolivian Sunset
There aren’t many plants that you can say are “knock you down gorgeous”, but this plant sure is! We were driving on a muddy “road” in the Bolivian rainforest and it was pouring down sheets of rain. The road was so thick with gooey mud that our jeep was straining under the load. All of a sudden we looked upslope and saw the entire hillside slowly moving down towards us! We had nowhere to go but to punch it and hopefully outrun this slow motion calamity! The hillside with plants, trees and rocks still in place, slid down en mass onto the road enveloping our vehicle! Before we knew it our jeep was buried in 3’ of mud, plants, trees and rocks and on a mossy boulder right in front of our now idling jeep we saw the most amazingly beautiful plant. It covered the boulder along with mosses and ferns and had dozens of bright orange fuzzy tubular flowers with a yellow throat. Its leaves were a beautiful dark green. We thought we had a new species on our hands bit it turned out to be Seemannia sylvatica. This is a shade loving plant that will tolerate some cold and form dense mats of beautiful green leaves and stunning flowers during the shortest days of winter. It is also an amazing houseplant and will thrive on a window sill. Shop and compare! These plants are huge and a great value! We offer this rare and beautiful plant in quart containers for $19.99