From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time!
Dorstenia gigas
(Dorstenia gigas)
Dorstenia gigas
Among Socotra’s wealth of unique plants, Dorstenia gigas must rank as one of its most remarkable endemics.If you love plants with caudex’s then you will love Dorstenia gigas. This rare plant is the largest of a genus of 170 species widespread in tropical and East Africa and belongs to the Moraceae which includes Mulberries (Morus), and Figs (Ficus).The trunks of D. gigas can reach 1.2 m tall, making it the largest species in the genus. The flowers are totally alien like and are grouped in flat or saucer-shaped, fleshy inflorescences called a hypanthodia. If that’s not cool enough when ripe the seeds are fired under hydraulic pressure.