Gondwanaland Trading Company
From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time!

Mahonia lomarifolia

(Mahonia lomarifolia)
Mahonia lomarifolia

None of us spoke Chinese well enough to realize we had ordered the hottest dish served in the grungy open air restarunt in Sichuan China. We should have realized something was up when all of the patrons smiled and nodded approval when we pointed and gestered to the dish on the menu board. The sensation of incredible searing pain took a couple of bites to fully register, No amount of cheap beer would wash away the burning sensation. After that debacle we explored the area and collected seeds from Mahonia lomariifolia. This plant has so many amazing attributes; Its form is incredibly prehistoric and with a bit of pruning forms an interesting small tree. The new growth is a deep bronze color, flowers form a huge yellow octopus, and the berries are steel blue. It is very tolerant of cold temperatures and is a wonderful small focal tree. This plant is a must have for any serious gardener or plant collector. Sold in 1 gallon pots. $24.99

Mahonia lomarifolia

Mahonia lomarifolia
