Gondwanaland Trading Company
From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time!

Bromeliad aechmea nudicaulis

(Bromeliad aechmea nudicaulis)
Bromeliad aechmea nudicaulis

We were staying at a lodge near the Rio Negro in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon. Our diverse group of four guides all had one thing in common. They all had holes in their feet! None wore shoes as they told us they just got sucked off in the muck and hampered their ability to travel in the swampy terrain. Each had been stung at one time or another by the beautiful but poisonous blue spotted sting ray which was endemic to these waters. The stings are apparently quite painful and lead to localized dying of the flesh. Needless to say we kept our shoes on no matter how much it slowed us down! On one of our treks through the swamps we came across a massive dead tree absolutely festooned with this amazing Bromeliad. It is a very vigorous grower and reliably blooms and pups every year. This is one of the easiest and most rewarding Bromeliads to grow indoors or outside and will grow in soil or mounted. Its bloom will stop you cold! We sell full sized plants of this amazing plant.

 $22.00 single vase

Bromeliad aechmea nudicaulis

Bromeliad aechmea nudicaulis
