Hammock Fern
Blechnum appendiculatum Blechnum occidentale, Hort. (Hammock Fern) - This stunning fern naturalizes as it spreads by creeping rhizomes forming dense hammocks over time. The 12-18” long 3 inch wide by 18 inch long fronds are divided into 12-28 segments on both sides of the midrib. New foliage in spring is a bronzy-pink to salmon-pink color that then ages to a medium green color as the fronds also become more leathery. This fern appreciates good drainage and regular irrigation to look its best but gets by and is still quite attractive with only an occasional watering in coastal gardens. Root hardy to at least 20° F - this plant was not harmed in our garden during the December 1990 freeze at temperatures around 18° F. New foliage shows best when older fronds are trimmed to the ground, weed whipped or even mowed if the patch is big enough, in late fall to early winter. A great plant for the woodland garden look and pinkish new growth adds color to the typical green of a shade garden. We sell this remarkable plant in 1gallon containers.