Goliath Stick Insect
The Goliath stick insect is huge and colorful! Both sexes of the Goliath stick insect are apple green with hints of gold, purple, red and yellow. Colorful patterns on the underside of the wings of Goliaths are used as a defensive tactic in order to ward off predators. While the Goliath stick insect is truly massive reaching lengths of 25 cm (10”), it is the second largest stick insect (after theTitan stick insect) in Australia, and though not as long, the Goliath insect has a heavier, sturdier build. The Goliath stick insect is docile and will take to being handled gently. They make a great, exotic pet that is easy to care for eating only leaves of English Ivy, Oak, Eucalyptus, or Berries (brambles), to name just a few. We offer these amazing creatures as Ova, Nymphs, and or Mounted dried specimens.