Vertical Leaf Senecio
Senecio crassissimus (Vertical Leaf Senecio), which is easily one of the most beautiful Senecios is an erect evergreen sub-shrub to 18-24 inches tall by 18" wide with thick beautiful purple stems holding pale silver / green / blue stiff, flattened 2 inch long waxy obovate leaves with vivid purple margins. It is an interesting and unique plant with the unusual color combination of purple and gray on leaves that appear to be turned on their edge. In winter the inflorescence rises from the stem tips 1 to 2 feet bearing an open branched head of bright yellow daisy flowers. Place in full sun in a well-drained soil with occasional irrigation. It can handle a light frost but will likely be damaged in temperatures below 28°F but it also makes a wonderful potted or houseplant. This plant was described in 1923 by Jean-Henri Humbert (1887-1967), a French botanist and professor at the University of Algiers who explored Madagascar. We sell this beautiful plant in 6” pots while supplies last.