Gondwanaland Trading Company
From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time!

Impatiens arguta

(Impatiens arguta)
Impatiens arguta

We were taking some down time by helping a friend conduct a census of the local Impeyan Monal population in a remote area of Nepal. As we were hiking along a well traveled path our guide held his arm up in a “STOP” signal. We all froze and could see that something was very wrong by his expression. He frantically signaled us to follow as he dove off the path and into the brush by the side of the road. He held his finger to his lips to urge us to stay quiet and his eyes were filled with fear. We got as low as we could as we heard some people approaching. They were soldiers; eight of them. They were talking and smoking and each carried an AK47. They were Maoist rebels he later explained, and would have robbed us at best, and………… well we didn’t want to think about that! After they passed we all relaxed. I looked at the plants we had been hiding in and noticed the most extraordinary flower. It was obviously an impatiens of some kind. The flower was a very complex purple / yellow low hanging form that would make it perfect for baskets! Our plants are grown from seed and you can purchase this beautiful cold tolerant, freely flowering impatiens species in quart pots. $19.99

Impatiens arguta

Impatiens arguta
