Gondwanaland Trading Company
From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time!

Salvia gesneriiflora Tequila

(Salvia gesneriiflora Tequila)
Salvia gesneriiflora Tequila

This is another one of several awesome plants we collected on our southern Mexico northern Guatemalan trip. The region is mountainous and beautiful with hundreds of endemic plant species, many still awaiting description to us here in the north. We used guides belonging to the Tzeltal people of the highlands (Altos) to help us explore and teach us about their wonderful lands. This Salvia is truly unique blooming brilliant red with deep black calyxes in the dead of winter in mild climates! This Salvia is a monster growing 10’ by 10’ and looks best when cut back every year or so. It is hardy to about 20 degrees and is a must have for any avid gardener.

Plants sold in 4" pots. $19.99

Salvia gesneriiflora  Tequila

Salvia gesneriiflora Tequila
